Honors and Awards

|S.No.|Award Name|Offered by| |—|—|—|—|—|—|

1Nominated–Doctoral Fellowship for Excellence ‘24 - ‘25University of Delaware
2Grace Hopper 2023 Travel AwardUniversity of Delaware
3Travel support for (DIS 2023) – ACM Designing Interactive SystemsUniversity of Delaware
4CIS Distinguished Graduate Student Award 2023University of Delaware
5CIS Distinguished Graduate Student Award 2023University of Delaware
6Recipient of Computing Research Association “CRA-WP Grad Cohort for Women 2023” Scholarship awardCRA WP
7Data Fellowship 2023Code for nepal
8CIS Distinguished Graduate Student AwardUniversity of Delaware
9Inspiring Women in STEM ConferenceUniversity of Delaware
10SIGCHI Gary Marsden Travel AwardsACM SIGCHI
11Recipient of Computing Research Association “CRA-WP Grad Cohort for Women 2022” Scholarship awardCRA WP
12Technology Scholarship Program powered by BertelsmannUdacity NanoDegree Program
13District level scholarship for Bachelors in Engineering(Children of Nepal Government Employees)Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education
14SLC District Topper(Girls)- Makawanpur DistrictMakwanpur District Education Officer